Thursday, 23 September 2010

Give me Facebook back and nobody will get hurt...

It's quite unsettling that Facebook is down tonight because it made me realise that I basically live my life on a screen with a fancy blue and white logo. It's quite pathetic, how the 'Service Unavailable' sign upsets me so much. I mean however will I cope without updating my status, or commenting on someone's wall post or if I'm feeling particularly racy, join a few pages?

Not right now, Pfft...

But you know what? Facebook is essential nowadays. Even though, the next generation up complain how we are anti-social just sitting in front of a computer screen, this is sometimes the only way to be social these days. We're all busy, progressing down our chosen paths, so there is hardly any chance to see anyone. Then, if you do go out, everything basically costs money nowadays, and it's expensive (thank you government) and also, the weather is pretty dire up here too (I can't pin this one on the government, no matter how much I want to). So please, facebook, I am pathetically pleading to you, to give me back facebook, so I can spread my wings, as a social butterfly like me would do! Yeah ...

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