Wednesday, 10 August 2011


Guys, get a calender and a pen at the ready and make sure you write this down because this week is the bi-annual 'Gang up on Amy and point out all her flaws week'. Seriously, this is your week to have a go at me and tell me everything I do wrong in life because to be quite frank, I could not get any lower than I am right now. I do not want to go into details on this because that would be insensitive of me and naturally, I have my own part to play in all this (I am not innocent) but unfortunately I'm 'selfish' and 'ungrateful' and I only ever think about 'myself' and therefore, EVERYTHING is my fault (which is true, no matter how anyone wishes to deny it).

So, due to the lack of savings, cash in-hand, prospects and furniture, I am currently trapped here in my bedroom until this all blows over (or it doesn't, whatever) and in general, I am feeling like a shunned member of a community (a community that I do not belong to anymore). You see, it seems once you get to a certain age, you become a disposable asset. I'm not saying my family do not care for me or provide for me because they do and I am grateful for everything they do for me but nowadays, you are made to feel more guilty about it. Also, the fact that they seem quite content being a family of four nowadays anyway, I just don't fit in the family portrait anymore and I'm fine with that, I just wish I didn't have to be here and witness it all happen. (Woops, there goes me being selfish again but I have no evidence to prove otherwise).

However, on a lighter note, I'm quite comfortable here, thanks for asking. I have my laptop, a packed lunch conveniently hidden so I do not need to venture into the kitchen and also at my disposal, a bed and a bathroom across the hall. I think I might take a trek to Neopia now...

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