Friday, 23 September 2011

You couldn't even look me in the eyes so I'll dim the lights

Currently, my iTunes has 5946 items, which, iTunes kindly calculated for me would take sixteen and a half days to listen to in full. That, my dear friends, is a lot of music.

Unfortunately, heavenly DJ (not Father, it's music duh!) I have a confession to make. I have probably listened to about fifty percent of that. The rest of it is mainly made up of the regular album fluff that no one listens to (because I can't bear to not download a full album). Now obviously, there are some major disadvantages to this. One of them being someone listening to your iPod and exclaiming 'Wow, I never knew you liked that song' and you have to obligatory lie to their faces because in actual fact, you have no idea what they are on about.

However, the one advantage is that sometimes, a song comes randomly on shuffle and you have never heard it before but you love it and it becomes your new favourite song. This is how my relationship with the song 'Encoder' by Pendulum happened about, oh an hour ago! We have a very special relationship, so special that I have constantly repeated it.

You have got to love life sometimes.

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