It is that time of year that I make false promises to myself about how I will become a better person. And it is without fail, a fail! But I may as well do it anyway so, without further ado, here is my list of New Year Resolutions.
1. Lose Weight
Self Explanatory really.
2. Make my wages and loan last a full month
Instead of spending it all in the first two weeks.
3. Try harder and put more effort into University
One day, my bad habits will catch up with me.
4. Stop feeling so damned insecure all the time
Life is great, why try and put a negative spin on everything?
5. Fulfill the 'Pact'
A riddle for you all
6. Be tidier
This one is a wee bit complex, but a girl (or a girl's mum) can dream
7. Learn how to cook
Basic stuff like Lasagne or Shepherds Pie, It can't be that difficult!
8. Give Blood
I'm not all that convinced on organ donation but blood is something I can do!
9. Enjoy every moment 2011 has to offer
And I intend to do this to the fullest of the full!
Number 8 - We shall drink wine afterwards :D P.s they do't usually expect you donate organs when your still alive =P