Friday, 7 January 2011

Review of 'Tron Legacy'

I have been wanting to see this film for months, months I tell you! So, I dragged my younger brother to see it tonight finally! 'Tron Legacy' is the long-awaited sequel to the 1982 film, 'Tron' starring Jeff Bridges, Garrett Hedlund and Olivia Wilde.


Basically, Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges) created a digital world where he became trapped, leaving his seven-year old son in reality. Twenty years after his disappearance, Sam (Garrett Hedlund) gets a message from his father's old office and he too becomes trapped in the digital world, and together with his father and a program called Kora, they must stop the evil Clu from gaining access to reality!


Sam is a babe. Kevin Flynn in the 80's was a babe. Michael Sheen was awesome as Castor, the slightly camp club owner. Nuff said.

Special Effects

The thing that is most impressive about this movie is the special effects. They are second-to-none and it's a film that was created for 3D, as almost every scene is in 3D.


Daft Punk's soundtrack for the film is excellent. It oozes electronica and reminds me very much of The Terminator soundtrack which I also enjoyed. 'End of the Line' and 'Derezzed' are my personal favourites!

Overall, it was worth the wait and raving in the cinema to Daft Punk whilst watching the most awesome special effects I've ever seen was a movie experience I shall never forget.


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