Friday, 22 April 2011

Don't you know, you're beautiful?

Hmm, the more observant amongst you will realise that I am making up for 'lost time' (or, as I like to call it, laziness). I miss blogging, I miss making people laugh and most of all, I miss... Greggs! (I haven't been in two months, I think I'm worthy of a medal to be quite honest).

My head is a lot clearer nowadays, I don't why or how but I'll take it, with open arms in fact! (Now the song is in my head). Especially seeing as University is nearly done and dusted for this year. But I don't want to tie you down with the soppiness of 'life', instead I shall just spout some random crap about my day in the vain and trivial hope that you enjoy it. (It worked in the past I guess).

Firstly, I would like to address the fact that I am currently engrossed in 'Countryfile'... (I would just like to point out, that is me addressing it as I have no words)

Secondly, I actually caught the sun today, for the first time in two years and I am quite chuffed! (Also, don't know why, but whenever I say chuffed, the image of a wotsit appears in my head? But don't judge me, especially if you prefer Quavers...)

Thirdly, I had a Pizza Hut takeaway tonight with Mark, and it was 'A' 'MAY' 'ZING'!

Fourthly, I got paid today, a day early and I have been rather good with my money so far. This, my friends, is called a 'Fucking Miracle'.

Fifthly, I should be going to bed as I am getting up at half seven tomorrow morning (Violins and hankerchiefs at the ready!)

Sixthly, I can't describe enough how much Mark and me wanted to play Inflatable Ten Pin Bowling outside the Early Learning Centre today. Worse yet, we actually enquired about the price of the said set and nearly bought it so we could play it in the garden (and I'm at university? Sometimes, I myself wonder how it happened)

Hmm, a worthy investment I think!

Seventhly(?), I should stop numbering these, it's only going to get more confusing...

I can feel my eyelids droop so I shall say 'Au Revoir' for the night... But to leave on a high note, I shall leave Chris Brown's new song (Which is so awesome, even if he is a wife-beating bastard).

Final point: Why was this not invented when I was kid? MAJORLY UNFAIR.

I will buy this on the pretence of getting it for my child and then steal it for myself.

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