Around ten minutes ago, at half past one in the morning, I had what you could have described as a realisation. Often, I get random thoughts in my head (such as my excellent country tribute band for 'My Chemical Romance', named 'My Biological Barndance'. However, this realisation has had such a profound effect on me, I simply had to blog about it. So don't waste your valuable time, wondering 'Why are we here?' or 'What is our purpose in life?'. Instead, ponder this philosophical question instead.
"Who on earth decided to call a person who was by themselves, a 'Nigel?"
Obviously, this question can only be answered by answering other questions. 'Who was the original Nigel?', 'Who witnessed this Nigel being a 'Nigel?' 'Why did someone call it a 'Nigel'?, Why not a 'Simon' or a 'Pedro', for example'.
I guess it will forever remain one of life's many mysteries...
St Paul the Hermit - The original and best 'Nigel', I suppose even though I only first heard of him a minute ago... |
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