Friday, 6 May 2011

Deja Vu of my personal Hell... One year on

I may be chastised for this blog but I do not care, this is my blog, my space (well not, 'myspace') and I feel I need to do this.

It has been a year today since it all happened. It seems so much longer in some respects because so much has happened in between. I can not emphasise enough how much my world collapsed a year ago and watching the election coverage brings back the awful memories of sobbing on the couch with my Mum. It was honestly just the worst feeling ever and I hope I never have to feel like that again. I would not even wish it on my own worse enemy.

I can't believe I left school a year ago. Not that my last day there was one to cherish, more like one to forget. Especially that shriek of grief when we were told. I will never ever forget that noise, I feel physically sick just thinking about it.

Some of the worse memories of my life were a year ago and yet I have changed so much and in all honesty, it made me stronger. It made our group of friends stronger, it made us realise what was important in our lives. Well, some of us anyway, it ruined some lives temporarily too. I can also say that the situation changed my moral stance in every way, something I did not think could change but in some respects, I am glad they have changed. You just can't judge a book by its cover, a lesson I think everyone should take from this, in all aspects of it.

I guess the purpose of this blog is to mark the anniversary of when our lives changed for the worse. If it hadn't of happened, things could have been so different but things happen for a reason and personally, the path my life took afterwards, getting into university etc. well I wouldn't change that so at least something good came out of it. However, if I could go back, I'd change it in a heartbeat and stop all the pain and hurt this causes people to this day.

I want to say 'Good Luck' to everyone, this day is going to be hard but as long as we keep what we've been doing, we will get through this.

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