Friday, 20 May 2011

I am driving in my car, doo doo, beep beep

I took the next step of adulthood yesterday and took my first driving lesson. All I can say is people who already know how to drive make it look real easy. I'm pretty sure my Dad could drive with his eyes shut (if that was the law, thankfully it isn't though). I can pretty much put my hand on my heart and say the lesson went exactly as I expected it to. I SUCKED. I stalled twice and I pretty much underestimated the importance of the clutch (my sworn enemy as of 1pm yesterday).

He also decided I was ready for a taster of next week's lesson and doing a left-hand turn. Readers, I have a firm belief I may be psychic because I sensed the trouble this was going to cause as soon as winced and agreed to try. I put my foot down on the accelerator, panicked, braked hard and stalled. You could almost hear the necks snapping. I'm quite glad that was the end of the lesson because I would've just got out the car otherwise.

I bet this guy is regretting picking up the phone when I called...

I can't really say I enjoyed getting panicky, stressed out my nut and driving a lethal weapon that could potentially kill a person or domiciled animal (pigeons, however, I really couldn't give a 'flying duck' about them) but at least I made it through the first lesson which  is always a good thing (well, it isn't going to be a bad thing is it?)

However, please vacate all roads in East Kilbride next Thursday at 2.30pm for an hour and if you do have to leave your house necessarily be on the lookout for a wee silver corsa weaving left and right across the road with a driving instructor halfway out the window, trying to escape (slight exaggeration but I do know how to spin a yarn!)

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