Now, enough of the soppy shite and onto more happier occasions! We shall speak no more of sad things (unless more sad things happen, which I hope they don't).
Today was really good, despite the half an hour sleep I got last night. I finally fell asleep about half an hour before I was due to get up (typical really). I dreamed that I was in Bulgaria and that I was using an ATM that had a flamethrower attached to it so you could light your cigarette whilst you withdrew money. (Somehow, I doubt I will take this idea to Dragon's Den...).
I got up at ten past nine (which was genuinely quite disgusting) and miraculously managed to get ready and bussed to my old school for quarter past ten where I met up with Mark as we both attended my brother's award ceremony. It was so cute, he went up twice which I was so proud of and surprisingly, I wasn't at any point getting bored of it, even though I was there for two hours! I got a few wee cheeky pictures of him too even though he was quite embarrassed by all the attention, bless him! Mark and me then temporarily went our seperate ways whilst he collected some DVD's and a scran for our 'Alien Vs. Predator' DVD day. It went quite successfully, as we watched 'Alien', 'Aliens' (which I was amazed at as we expressed a mutual liking for one character) and then 'Predator' to finish. I think the next one will be Pixar - orientated as Mark spied 'A Bug's life' and we casually starting discussing it.
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