I have a feeling that this will perhaps be quite a short blog, mainly because I had the most unproductive day ever. I mean, do not get me wrong, I had plans. Great, productive plans as a matter of fact. Plans that involved sorting out my music on iTunes, sorting out my jewellery and getting more prepared for my holiday that is in six days time but did any of this happen? And an even better point, did I actually need to ask that rhetorical question? (That question was rhetorical too, by the way, so shoosh).
Instead, my day went like this.I woke up really late, I had a cookie and then I decided to sit and watch Queen documentaries and videos all day. Then I went for a shower that lasted an hour. Yes, I am an absolute freak.
However, I am looking forward to tomorrow (or today, shrugs). My wonderful little brother, Calum has won two awards from school so Mark (who kindly volunteered himself) and myself are going down to the school to cheer him on since 'mutti' cannot get the time off work due to strike action (which Calum got a little upset about unfortunately). Not only are we going to wear our Avondale School Captain badges (as to as Mark put it, to reclaim our titles as Captains back) and see the old school but also take full advantage of free food and drink that we seem to always miss out on when you are pupils at the school! (Also because there is jack shit in my cupboards at home, we may need to stock up).
Then afterwards, we are having an 'Aliens vs. Predators' movie day which I'm sadly excited about, plus I get to see him which is always good.
Now that blog was quite substantial, I am quite proud if I do say so myself!
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