Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Amy's Get Fit Plan...

Do you like my one-piece?
This is me. Well, biologically it is not me, I just happen to share the same name as a woman pro-body builder.  I found her after I typed my own name into google and it was an interesting find to say the least. To be honest, I do not wish to become a man (which she/he clearly and most undoubtably is) but I want to shed my couch potato skin and actually get to some sort of acceptable level of fitness (like being able to climb hills sober and at the pace of an elderly woman as opposed to a slug).


I really cannot emphasise this enough. No more takeaways or fast food! It's naughty and bad. Also, I broke my four - month Greggs Sobriety today, I am off the wagon so I need my friend's full support to get me back on the said proverbial wagon. Instead, I will eat three meals a day, with lots of foods that will fill me up and drink shitloads of water. I will also invest in some serious chewing gummage. Also, the consumption of Yo Sushi! will rise too as the japanese have one of the most healthiest diets in the world. I will however lay off the Chocolate Mocci as I am imposing an allergy of Chocolate, Biscuits and crisps on myself (Side effects include forcing oneself to read 'Heart of Darkness', the worst book ever written, no-one wants that).

I suppose I'll live... in perpetual happiness!


This is a working progress. Laura and me are enquiring on Friday and due to awesome student status, I get a membership for £20 a month! It also gives you access to the pool, classes and SAUNA, YES, SAUNA! I will also try and walk for at least an hour a day too, with hill training involved (a hill the size of a mole hill perhaps). I will also join at least two classes a week, maybe Yoga and play badminton with Debby!

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