Monday, 4 July 2011

Day Six - "Baby, I swear this is Deja Vu"

Saturday, 18th June 2011

I will not make any excuses, I got up at about 1pm on this day, absolutely fucking knackered after the night (and morning) before. Yet again, we got into the holiday routine of pool, sunbathe, wait for Lauren to come back from the internet cafe and then grab lunch before playing pool games till about 5pm! We then discussed what we were going to do that night. Eventually (and I mean eventually loosely, because it took quite a while), we decided to go back to Disco Orange and go to Hed Kandi (which I can't lie, the rock goddess in me was not keen on). However, once we discovered it was another bar crawl, we got quite excited.

We had dinner and it was kinda awkward to be ordering food from Chris, seeing as we had socialised with him the night before but we got over it and enjoyed a nice meal, again. We were a little late to the bar crawl and so we met up with them halfway to the second bar, 'La Guaba' a wee beach hut kind of bar situated on the beach! I nearly had a panic situation where I temporarily lost my purse but I kept my cool as did Lauren and we found it sitting under my chair. As we were moving onto the next bar, we got our first free shot, caramel vodka. Now, it sounds nasty but in actual fact, it was the most delicious shot I have ever...shotted.

Outside La Guaba

We marched our way to the next stop on the bar crawl, 'The Flying Dutchman', with free shot in tow! We sat outside on the balcony and spoke to Tori for a while before dashing to the dancefloor when '500 Miles' by The Proclaimers came on (We Scots like to keep our spirit alive, even in foreign countries). As we were leaving the Dutchman, the clock striked twelve and we all turned into Pumpkins (Well, we didn't but it sounded good) or, Lauren turned nineteen. We got a good number of the bar crawl to sing happy birthday and then made our way to Disco Orange, with Lisa attempting to tell a few of the punters her legendary shark joke...

Our first group photo!

When we got into Disco Orange, it was markedly more empty than it was on the Wednesday and the chillout zone was closed (sadface) but that just meant more room to dance in and shorter queues for a drink! I can honestly say it was the second best night of the holiday! I can now say I have danced on top of a bar, the bar staff were dancing with us and it was just brilliant. We met up with the Brummies again who were excellent as per usual!

Lauren and me with some of the Brummies!

Lisa and me with a very flexible bar man!

We were then ushered into the next room and Ryan, from Wolverhampton (I am genuinely incapable of saying just 'Ryan') came up to me and we spoke for a while before he got on his knees and literally begged me to come back to his apartment at the Palazzo. What can I say? I am clearly a fucking stud muffin. Still turned him down but! It got to that time again when we were getting tired and Lauren, Lisa and me, the wee trio walked back to the hotel again but not before we pole danced and I got my hands on a cone and had a cheeky stop in McDonalds. We walked up and met up with Katy who was by herself sitting outside the supermarket near our hotel for some reason and when everyone had got back we discovered that both Amy and Richard were missing again and everyone was pished and out looking for them. After I prevented Katy going to look for them both, and with Grant looking for them, I sort of went to my apartment, intending to stay up but then went to bed, exhausted.

Katy and me

Pole Dancing, like a boss!

2wentys rep, Ryan and me!

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