Monday, 4 July 2011

Day Four - 'He's always a woman to me'

Thursday, 16th June 2011

As the holiday went on longer, so did the length of our lie-ins. We missed the maid twice and it was only when Scott came in, wrapped in a sheet and laid between Lauren and me that we actually properly woke up. We discussed the previous night and then Scott went back to his own apartment whilst Lauren and me got ready for another day by the pool (complete with Thomas the Tank Engine towel, of course).

I'm pretty sure there were a few hangovers but we headed to the pool anyway and I sunbathed and went in the pool, whilst Lauren and Grant went to the internet cafe (I abstained on this day, in case you are thinking I am an internet addict...which I am but that's not the point). We played volleyball in the pool and despite my disadvantage of being fucking blind without my glasses, I was not half bad (Not at pro-level yet though).

The view from the pool, Berbatov was staying in that hotel

We all got ready again for dinner and went down before we held the pre-drinking festivities in our flat again. Possibly the funniest moment of the holiday was making Richard run a lap around the hotel with Katy's top on and just his boxers. Lisa also had to do questionable things to a bottle whilst Richard embraced his feminine side by cleaning up a broken bottle of peach schnapps! Some of us were wanting to go out again but after a few hours, we decided to embrace a night in, something most of us were desperately needing (Don't get me wrong, I'm a party animal, but I'm also descended from a Snorlax, therefore I need sleep). We had a good night in and also it was nice to say that we did not manage to lose anybody that night, therefore I was not up worrying till all hours of the morning (what can I say, I'm motherly in that way). The rest of the group left at around 3am and Lauren and me finally got a decent sleep!

Richard discovered a penchant for woman's clothes on holiday...

Aftermath after a tsunami of booze

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