Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Message in a Bottle?

Last night, I dreamed I was on holiday with the school and one of the activities organised was one that involved Mrs Rennie splitting us up into pairs for an 'acting' activity. My activity was to act the role of a woman who was having a heated argument with a jar of Ragu Tomato and Basil Pasta Sauce (which was played excellently by Laura). We were arguing over how to make Spaghetti Bolognese, a very serious matter, I am sure you will agree. Obviously, my performance would have won many accolades in reality, but I don't need to tell you that.

And before you ask, Yes, I do question my sanity because let's be honest, debating with an inanimate glass vessel containing pulverised tomatoes is not your average daily behaviour. I'm not sure what kind of message this dream was hinting at but if you do have any ideas, please let me know, as my subconscious seems to be a very cryptic little bugger sometimes.

I woke up with the news today that baby Harry had been in hospital overnight and it seems he may have Bronchitus, a nasty, horrible illness. Luckily, he was let out this afternoon so panic over but I hope he gets better soon!

With this in mind, I was slightly late in going to Debby's house for 'Lord of the Rings' day. We had a few minor hiccups involving the wretched first disc not playing (I wholly blame my brother for this, he will be getting a stern talking to, If I ever remember to give him stern talking to that is) but it was fine, the second disc worked and that's where all the action really starts anyway. We spent the whole afternoon and evening watching Lord of the Rings, just chatting and just generally getting to know my way around 'The Crackden'. I left around ten and walked the harsh, treacherous ten minute walk to my house (which is possibly a 000000.1 on the 'Walking to Mordor' scale).

Tomorrow, Devon, Ellyn, Mother dearest and Calum are going to La Plage for some 'Sunny Intervals' Whether these intervals last twenty seconds or twenty minutes remains to be seen). We're taking a picnic and I'm taking my Thomas the Tank Towel, which I am rather excited about because I can show the population of Troon beach, not just those who read this blog, just how awesome I am.

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