Monday, 25 October 2010

I miss missing you...

Right now: 'Clair de Lune' - Debussy

I really haven't felt like blogging these past few days. Normally, I can make the most mundane thing that I have experienced sound as exhillarating as a sky dive but my ability has become lost, forgotten almost dead. Gulp! It surely can only mean one thing. I think I may have...

'Writer's Block'

Eurgh, hopefully I can get over this. I remember not so long ago in the past (Tuesday to be precise) that I would sit on the bus to university going 'Oh man, this is so going in the blog' or 'I can't wait to blog tonight' but the need has left my being. I can't explain it, I've been feeling a bit 'meh' (oh, how I love that word) for a few days but the problem is, there is no reason for it! I think I miss my friends as sad, pathetic (insert stupid word here) as that sounds. Eurgh, fucking tumble dry that wet blouse, Amy!

Anyway, my last blog was Friday, so it would be concise and appropriate to start with Friday (even though I want to rebel and go on to Saturday)! I got up, and I got on a bus and I went to MDP. It was actually quite good. None of the team were feeling it and we had different tutors! But it was a good wee laugh! Then, overrided by my guilty conscience at not attending a single lecture that week (it was a reading week but yeno?), I decided to go to the library and study. And I did. For two hours, even though the average human only has an attention span lasting twenty minutes. Not bad eh? But at seventeen hundred hours, my brain had by then, been reduced to the consistency of moosh, so I decided to call it a day and head home. I read one case study from marketing then chillaxed for the rest of the night. Unfortunately, that is all I remember about Friday so I shall move onto Saturday.

Yes people, I actually studied...

Saturday is now a blur, except that I went to work, so I shall move onto Sunday.

Sunday is also a bit of a blur except that I watched the rangers game round Auntie Sarah's and it was a great game! Also, spotted Clyde the cat, who is absolutely massive and amazingly cute at the same time! I can't believe Millie will become that size! I also worked and we had some amazing banter, including Robbie's usual bad jokes and ripping the piss out of Scabby Aggie (Oh how I enjoy Sunday Nights)! That is all from Sunday too, as you can see, my weekend was possibly the most exciting experience anyone could ever endure (Sarcasm detectors should be off the scale, by the way!). 

He's like a fricking panther!

I shall now move on to today, which should be a wee bit clearer. I realised on Friday night that I had an assignment due in for Monday. Now, I hear you ask, when did I complete this? Erm, about two hours before it was due in. Can it be said that it is possible to hand in an assignment started two hours before it is due in, although it is not ideal, let me tell you (seeing as you did ask)! I decided to sacrifice my lecture in return for handing my assignment in on time, which was the right decision and luckily my team helped me out, which was greatly appreciated! I also presented today as well, by totally winging-it. I'm not getting complacent though, I know I need to work a lot harder but I'm still settling in. After that, relief set in and I went to meet Lauren for lunch and a drink which was very nice. We were also joined by Stephanie and had a nice wee chat about EMA and advanced higher french (which I did not do). At 4pm, we all left and went our separate ways and I got on the bus again! Three things happened. One, I got my hands on a metro (nom!). Another nigerian sat next to me and said 'Hello'. After the last time, I gave a small smile and made it very obvious that my headphones were firmly in. Eurgh, I wish people who just leave me alone! And thirdly, I rang Ellyn, who had been extensively planning the zombie apocalypse and I got some good tips!

And that is all really. Quite a long blog methinks!

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