Saturday, 30 October 2010

Light Fuse, run away...

I can honestly say today has been rather hellish! It started with the rude awakening of my sister turning the light on of our communal bedroom. This annoyed me and in my half dream-like, half grumpy morning git mood, I shouted obscenities at my sister, every time getting more and more angry (What can I say, I'm a fiery person, keeps it interesting, yeno?). I got up and watched a programme I have been fair enjoying these last few days, whilst munching on toast and milk! Nom!

'A History of Horror' narrated by Mark Gatiss is a BBC Four programme about the, err, history of horror (funnily enough). I cannot explain what compelled me to watch this. For anyone who knows me well, the last thing I would do is actually watch a horror movie. But the stories, the characters, they all interest me and I can be seen looking these up on Wikipedia from time to time. So when I heard about this programme, I decided to give it a bash and it's very interesting, I would definitely recommend it!

Catch it on BBCiplayer now!

Anyway, unfortunately I had to actually go to university, so I proudly wore my Strathy hoody again and went outside, to be met by absolute pouring rain. I was drowned by the time I got to the bus stop but an 18 came swiftly and I got on. I got a metro, which I can now say I unashamedly love. I would say it's actually better quality than 'The Sun' in all honesty. The 18 was held up by a lot of road works though and I only made it to my first hospitality and tourism tutorial with seconds to spare (well, maybe not that dramatic, there wasn't a countdown or anything...). The tutorial was great! The tutor is quite awesome and he had a box of celebrations which no-one had any qualms about tucking into! Then I went to MDP, where we are now working on excel (which I am atrocious at) and although I get some of it, most of it is a problem (thanks for being so difficult maths). Eventually, I could go home but as I was walking on the bus and I was trying to decide whether to go to Remnant Kings and enquire about the price of material for my halloween costume. Unfortunately, little did I know it was going to prove a potentially costly mistake.

I got off the 18 at Argyle street and did my business at Remnant Kings and I resolved to head back to the bus stop. I got to the bottom of the stairs, put my jacket on, my ipod earphones in my ears and dug out my bus pass, ready to have it at hand. Hmm, then I came across a problem. My bus pass was nowhere on my person. Now, I usually panic at such things but I decided to be calm. I retraced my steps around the shop, asked the staff but alas, to no avail was it there. I retraced my steps in the pissing rain too, until I got to the bus stop, minus the bus pass. My only other option was to ask a driver if I could get on and pay it back later but I knew that this was a very unlikely possibility. It's kinda amazing how many options you think of when you're in a situation like that (before you ask, I did not have any money on me either). A 20 came by and I walked on and asked the driver whether it was possible to get on and pay later or just to get off the bus. He said something about 'not smiling' and for a moment, I was worried that I hadn't been polite enough but he actually said 'Because you said it, not smiling, I assume you are telling the truth'. The guy let me on without any hassle and also gave me a phone number to ring. An excellent chap and I have eternal gratitude towards him (so guys, not all bus drivers are nasty!). I tried to remain unhappy looking on the bus home even though I pretty much was and eventually got home, having had time to think about a defence for when my parents berated me for the loss of it. However, they understood and I rang the bus company and left a voicemail so, fingers crossed, it will come back!

Then, I had a quick sandwich and went round to Natzy's to purchase a christmas present (but I can't go into too much detail)! Then had dinner and played Halo with Calum for six hours, having a great time. Until my dad decided to do his usual eavesdropping and told us off, and when I defended myself, turned the unsaved game off. When we were two minutes away from completing it! Ooft, readers, I can confirm I was not a happy bunny and so I went downstairs and spoke my mind (see previous blog for more inner-thoughts).

So close, yet so fecking far...

So Calum and me decided to go on the laptop and watch Fleetwood Mac in concert (always a good choice) and I think he is quite tired so I shall put him to bed. Tomorrow, it's halloween at Fuzion and I need to make my costume so I'm going to Hamilton. Hopefully, it'll be a better day than today! A strong drink anyone?

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