Wednesday, 27 October 2010

What will the neighbours say?

Right now: 'Love Machine' - Girls Aloud (what has happened to me...)

Buzz. Buzz. Buzzz. Buzzzzz. 'Huh, huh, 6.00am? Get to fuck!' (Lays back down and restarts snoring).

This is how my morning started. I reset the alarm for 6.20am and I still don't feel like getting up, mainly because of the wind and rain howling outside my window. So I resolve to miss my 9am lecture and make it for the 10am. I get up eventually at 7.20am and had a relatively relaxed getting ready experience. Until I realised I was cutting the bus a wee bit fine. And as I approached the bus stop, the bus came. Therefore it was time to rip my shirt open to reveal a metaphorical superhero costume underneath and I started running to the bus. I know the driver saw me running but he still started to drive off. Luckily, another girl was running too and she was faster and she paid with coins so I managed to catch up albeit, not before the guy had closed the doors. One word: Dick! However, I got my hands on a tasty metro, nom! 

I got to university and met up with Sarah again which was good! However, I can say without hesitation, Human Resource Management was the most boring lecture of my life. Although, it was made fun by Fiona texting me from the back. At one point she texted me saying 'This guy is a fucking dick, you can see him frothing at the mouth from the back. Rank!'. I cannot tell a lie, the amount of self-control not to start rolling about on the floor laughing was immense. I really didn't think I had it in me! Then, Sarah and moi moved over to join Danny for the marketing lecture which was entertaining as always! 'Ahem' Drumroll Please! Harker's joke of the day was:

"What is the plural of Haggis by the way? Is it Haggyi (Pronounced Haggy-eye)." 

He's a legend of the highest order! Finally, it was the management lecture. There are some good and bad points about the lecture. The good points are that the lecturer is an immense hottie, very nice to look at. Also, he incorporates videos into his lectures which is always a nice distraction. Unfortunately, the poor guy can't hold a crowd, so it get's boring very quickly. But you can't have it all, can you? Then, I went into the library to study (facebook and talked to Jane) for an hour and then went to MDP where Gayle called Ultimo. Seriously, that's the only think worth mentioning! Then, I began the trek to Central, in the pissing rain. That was fun. I get there and realised my fiver had a slit in it, so, knowing the machine wouldn't accept it, I had to go to the underground, buy a ticket from the desk, go back up and pay 30p to go to the bathroom. I actually hate having to pay to pee, It's so degrading and it's a human right. I mean, what would happen if I couldn't afford to go? I'll leave that to your imagination. I got on the train and randomly, bumped into Caitlin where we had an immense chat about Collins, her empty and university! Unfortunately, I had to leave her and go into work where I bought some dinner and enjoyed it in the staff cafe with my new found friend, Katie! 

I was then put on the dreaded Health and Beauty, which has become horrible since the refit. Thankfully, I was in no mood to do it tonight and got away by doing three rollers worth of stock and then going to help Robbie with the booze.  Also bumped into Mrs Wilkinson and Mr Mylchreest from school (I'm to now call Mrs Wilkinson, Susan!) and discussed cheese with her! Always fun and she distracted me for an hour and a half, thankfully! I got engaged to Helen as well but that's a long story (and she doesn't have facebook, so she's on the couch tonight)! And one of the signs above the bottled water aisle snapped and could of injured one and my superhero skills were called into action again (by running to tell my manager!) And that's itSorry, I know my blog seems rushed at the end (and it is) but my eyes are starting to close and crust over! Ciao Bello!

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