Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing not to put one in a fruit salad...

Mmm, always good having four hours sleep, with a requirement of you being up at 6am! I actually screamed 'Noooooooooooooooooo' when my alarm went off, so I turned over and went back to sleep! Then, when I next woke up, I had a spaz attack because the thought that I'd overslept crossed my mind fleetingly! But not to panic, it was 6.15am so I got up, before I could cheat sleep again! I then got up and had the usual argument with mother. I felt immediately bad though and apologised through the medium of text!

I got on the bus, picked up a metro (Yay!) and then sat down. I got to page 2 when I was interrupted albeit nicely, by Robyn and we had a great wee chat on the way to our respective universities! I made it to Greggs, where I bought a bottle of water (and I seriously had to make sure I didn't chuck the bottle away today) and a sausage roll as my stomach was crying! I went into the Hospitality and Tourism Management lecture which was incredibly pointless as it was another introduction! Then, with half an hour to spare, I decided to tackle the hill at a leisurely pace. Like fuck that worked! I made it up half way and I'm panting like a rottweiler! So I pull over and who should I see in person, but Fraser! Had quite a brief chat but nice to actually finally meet him! I then made it up the stairs, with my lungs still intact.

This was not an opportunity to have a breather...
I met up with Sarah and we made it to the back to attend the HR management lecture which I can't deny I slept through (the red rooster did not help at all). Then we woke up to the sound of Dr Harker wizzing through the Marketing lecture! It was a real hoot although definitely looking up those notes again! Then, finally, I survived the management lecture as well. Not least because we were shown a hilarious sketch from 'The Office' and some Johnathan Ross (which in my book, is always a good thing!) I then went to the library, a place that I can actually see myself living (especially since I discovered a cafe downstairs) and I booked my last tutorial so I now can officially confirm I have wednesdays off of University, Yay!

I finally headed down to the bus station, when the overwhelming urge to use a bathroom became immediately apparent. I rushed to the toliet, discovering I had only 2 10p's on me but not to worry, I had some in my jacket pocket which was in my bag. After all that faffin' aboot, I finally made it to the machine, paid my money and entered. Only, to my horror, I had entered the Men's bathroom. I ran out, 30p less off and still dying for the toliet. I had to exchange the six measly 5p's I had in my purse for 10p's and I finally made into the (correct) toliet. I then got on a bus (which had the stairs in the middle because that's normal) and here I am now, recounting the marvellous tales of my day! Work soon and insanely enough, I'm going to ask for more overtime! Ciao!

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