Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Smiling till your cheeks hurt...

I love how all my blogs start with an alarm. You have no idea how much it depresses me! But guess what, I got up for the alarm so yeah, take that!

However, I seriously misjudged my timing and I got to work three minutes late (Fuck my life). The good thing is, we have a clock-in machine so as long as I clocked out at 18.03, everything was fine and dandy. My job today, basically, was to welcome all of our customers into our brand new store and offer them a map of the layout. I did this people for six and a half hours (I took a break because I'm cool). But the strangest thing was, I actually enjoyed it and time went surprisingly quick. Plus my patter was excellent (If I do say so myself!).

During my time, I recognised the different types of people that I dealt with. Here they are -

1. The lovely people, who have a conversation with you and leave nice comments
2. The nice people, who make a nice comment and accept a map
3. The people who accept a map and say 'thanks'
4. The people who accept a map and don't say anything
5. The people who refuse a map but say 'No Thanks' (Even though they come back and realise they needed one)
6. The people who just completely ignore you (and have no headphones in)

Number six is by far the worst. It just doesn't cost to have an ounce of gratitude and no manners is my pet hate. However, the best customer was the one who had a 30 Seconds to Mars T-Shirt on and the glyphs tattoed on the back of her neck, which I commented on (I did get a funny look but I explained my super-fan status and she seemed alright with it). However, despite all the 'shite guys', most were lovely and I got some nice comments too so all in all, a good wee day! Also, to say thanks for everyone's help during the re-fit, I got a free mug with Sainsbury's goodies and a wee card from the manager. Call me a sook, but I enjoy personal touches and appreciate recognition!

I appreciate my work...

Though, I am now so tired, I am majorly considering an early night although I am getting up at 11am tomorrow, Score!

Final Thought: I love how 'blogs' came up as a spelling error!

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