Saturday 30 October 2010

No-one comes between 'Halo' and me...

I really do laugh sometimes. Genuinely, throw my head back and laugh. I would guess that if you were to ask the older generation one word to describe teenagers, one of them would be 'immature'. I have long thought that one day I would reach maximum maturity and I thought this was years away (because I like acting like a big kid sometimes) but alas, it seems, by evidence of my father, that I have indeed reached maturity and often, I am more mature than he is. I seriously have no hope in the world if a 40-year-odd man cannot act in an adult manner when it comes to the smallest of things. He's like a big 'wean'. I also realised tonight, that I have no qualms whatsoever at sticking up for myself against my father, because guess what? Parent's surprisingly or not, are not always right! So, whenever you want to start speaking to me, dad, all you have to say is a five letter word starting with a 'S', ending with a 'Y' and has an'ORR' in the middle.

I'm waiting...

Seriously, I can kick the convenant's butt so I can kick yours too...

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